used surplus broadcast equipment

$500. 1962 GATES 500 WATT TRANSMITTER, 1-STL TOWER The position works with the engineering team to keep the radio stations and Sun Sounds of Arizona on the air. CABLE ANDPUNCH BLOCK SET( CABLES Restored about 10 years ago. We have a huge ready to ship stock of discounted, new and used items. -moz-columns: 2; color: #040366; 3 2/3 inches tube Broadcast camera, 650 lines, 59dB S/N ratio, dual capacitor diode gun plumbicon Excellent Condition - CAM-1 RENTAL Excellent vantage camera broadcast package. 14 face. offering these items and to those of Start selling Latest Machinery Auctions Auction of Quality Construction & Snow Remov Closing Mar 08 Location USA View auction A Great Range of LED Screen Packages & Video Closing Mar 09 Location UK View auction We offer a huge collection of refurbished broadcast equipment like 4-channel digital audio 162,000 miles. with BEFX50 & TE-3 Original paperwork including Shively manuals and Hatfield & Dawson engineering study included. A sampling of notable auction projects in the broadcast and post production industry sector include: Heritage Global Partners has sold over $50 million dollars of machinery, equipment, and facility-related assets in the broadcast and post production sector. Our inventory is updated daily so keep checking back for newly added discounted radio equipment for sale. It was use in a time share facility, which both station was using there own transmitter. Broadcast Supply Worldwide |Equipment for Radio Broadcasting and Audio $6,500 FOB Abilene, Texas, Contact: Bruice Campbell 325 370-8722 | bhc1000@aol.com1/10/2023, Gentner VRC-2000 Remote control/telemetery set. Used Equipment - Allied Broadcast Group Would also consider buying a used console just to get the output board, Contact: James Stitt 513-289-6277 | towerjimsk@gmail.com7/16/22. Arizona Online Auctions | AllSurplus Modules & Parts. Browse our full range of used broadcast equipment, including ex-demo kit, here. product from the huge variety of products. Hybrid COXBOX IV & PAL coder combination. In search of a used/rebuilt FM combiner with input capacity of 25kw/10kw. Includes alligator clip cables and original operation manual. Trial access to PowerSource Online is provided for qualified industry professionals. Used Broadcast Equipment for sale | BIMAX Broadcast $100 each or $150 for both. font-size: 18px; Approx 2 years old. Shop online for heavy equipment, transportation, industrial machinery auctions & more on AllSurplus. The exciter will need to be reconfigured to ATSC. padding: 40px; Harris 1 KHz Cue Amp, 9p base, Cinch Plug. Buy and Sell - The Broadcasters Desktop Resource FMM-2 FM Modulation Monitor, FM 1975 Located in MN. This is a simple current monitoring Suite #305 We can list your higher value surplus Broadcast Equipment in this section, just send us full details and good pictures to . Push - momentary. Browse Listings. exciters Excellent condition. You can purchase a variety of products from our range of used radio station equipment for $25 each Westinghouse Meter 0 - 75 DC amps Enlarge Image Individual sections are 9ft 6in long. Dial up remote control with 8 channel relay panel and heavy duty surge protector, 5.23 software. below. CONNECTIVITY I still maintain one of these and want to pick up a complete transmitter or two to have on hand for parts. Never used in original box. Contact: Gregg Cockroft 919-740-0121 | facilities@theclassicalstation.org7/30/22, Need an output board for a PR&E Netwave audio console. Transmitters and Equipment, Burle Contact Sales. AM Transmitter Available$ 1,711.00 EachBreakout Cable $ 111.00 Each_________________________________________________________________________________________, ORBAN OPTIMOD 8200U3SDIGITAL FM AUDIO PROCESSOR WITH 3.0 SOFTWARE$ } } .single-post .list-box ul { Technalogix TXF50. 30.00 fee for returned checks.$25.00 Wire Transfer Fee. Contact: Jeff Baxter 850-573-5399| Baxterbroadcast@gmail.com11/23/22, Rohde & Schwarz NV7640 UHF ATSC, DVB-T TRANSMITTER SYSTEM. 72-31-47, UHF Panels, with channel digital audio levelling processor, Airtools 6200 AES Digital Mic Preamplifier & Monitor Most people would opt to purchase new equipment but most companies provide a lead time of six of the buyer to verify information on -Radio Automation, Logging, Scheduling and Playout. The Broadcast Outlet garage sale is in its last days. Broad-caster green light / red light. Examples of workable transmitters for our needs: CCA 1000D, McMartin BA-1K, Harris MW1 or MW1A, Gates one, etc.We can pick up the transmitter in our full sized van, but it will need to lay down in the back. SelectHEREcontinue as a FREE MEMBER on the RadioTVDeals site. I need a PA module for a Harris Z3.5. attorney's fees and expenses and other professional fees and expenses, incurred or DVCPRO, 25 & 50Mbps,play DV, DV mini-DV, CAM, SDI, PAL & NTSC, editor, RS-422A Good Condition - Special Pricing $3,495.00 refurbished, DVCPRO HD Player/Rcdr, AC/DC, aspect ratio convert, NTSC down convert, PAL Opt: SDI out & 1394 Premium Condition - Special Pricing $2495.- Option: SDI out ( no 1394 option), broadcast video server integrated with up to 8 SD or 4 HD channels, with channelView option - Gen-5 Fair Condition - Broadcast video server integrated with 8SD or 4 HD channels, with channelView option and 4TB RAID. /* END Press Releases Page (.page-id-115505)*/ 26545 Danti Court Random Voice of America Continental 420 Transmitter Meters. The University of Washington Surplus Property program is pleased to offer this lot of 8x Dayton 3VU36 heaters 208V/240V & 2x King Electric PSH2440TB heaters Equipment is sold as-is, where-is. Harris P/N: 994-5145-001. Removed from a Wide Orbit system. background-color: #040366; Our Construction Management Services Include: Site De-commissioning. -Transmitters, Antennas, STL, Processors, RDS & more. 12625 High Bluff Drive Symmetrix AirTools 6100 Broadcast Audio Delay. VTR excluded. suffered by such person arising from, by reason of, or in connection with any loss, New & Used Radio Equipment - BMI Surplus Continental 316-f - 10KW tape playback/record automation system with DVCAM bins. continue as a FREE MEMBER on the RadioTVDeals site. Buyer pays shipping. channel for negotiations. 918 AL in good condition. Heritage Global Partners has extensive background in the valuation and disposition of excess broadcast and post production facilities, machinery, equipment, and intellectual property from many famous, well-renowned studios and companies. If you font-size: 22px; service 4 years.Like If you want to buy or hire broadcast ENG equipment from suppliers such as Sony Broadcast , Vinten, PAG, JVC, Panasonic, even Rycote or any other broadcast equipment manufacturer KitPlus is the place to start Click here for more information about these new tamper-resistant and waterproof thermal laminating solutions Search Rent It Today's extensive database for medical. color: #040366; I am in need of a SPN-55E fader module for a Audioarts/Wheatstone R55E console. used radio equipment. Contact: Jeremy StormPlease text: 8083434562 | USED Harris NEXIO NX AMP 3801 HDI SKU# EQ702438U broadcast video server integrated with up to 8 SD or 4 HD channels, with channelView option - Gen-5 Fair Condition - Broadcast video server integrated with 8SD or 4 HD channels, with channelView option and 4TB RAID Price: $4,562.28 Request Info Add To Cart D9 Digital-S Player USED JVC BR-D51U It is a Continental exciter, and is in good condition.The transmitter and exciter are located at our radio station in Quitman, MS and can be picked up there. Selling with Kitmondo is free, efficient and fast. This board is in excellent condition and used very little. Businesses: If you are a regular commercial business selling new and/or used equipment, it is proper to identify yourself as such. .page-id-115505 .nectar-post-grid[data-text-hover-color="dark"] .nectar-post-grid-item:hover .content *, We are offering this page, free of charge or commission, to facilitate the exchange of surplus material. You can also perform a final tubes (used); Spare base Used Radio Equipment | Radio Station Broadcast Equipment - BS Broadcast Used Radio Equipment Showing 1 to 24 of 72 (3 Pages) Sort By: ALESIS RMS Peak Dual Channel Compressor Limiter with Gate 3630 COMPRESSOR Brand: Alesis Model Number: 3630 COMPRESSOR $289.00 BUY NOW APT Worldnet Oslo 3U Frame with Redundant AC DC Power Supplies Contact: Jerry M Evans 7752917108 | jerry@evansbroadcast.com1/10/23. MON. Featuring: Miller Welders, Automatic Elbow Machines and Reducers, American Industrial Pneumatic Spot Welder, Spiro Gorelockers Line, Rollformer, Snorkel S1930 Electric Scissor Lifts, 2007- Genie Electric Lift, Lockformer, Spiro Spiral Duct Machine Line, and Much More! Alpha Media Portland is seeking a results-oriented Chief Engineer with a proven track record in Broadcast Media. Good condition. A stereo profanity delay. $1,500. Key asset sales have previously included complete video editing suites, processing, converting and amplification, audio mixing, recording and processing, cameras, accessories, personal and workstation computing, furnishings, support equipment, and much more. The No 1. Market Place for Professional AV and Broadcast Equipment Prices are excluding VAT. Well Maintained! YOUR SALE HERE: TURN YOUR GEAR INTO CASH! RadioTVDeals helps radio and television station brokers (otherwise known as media brokers) and radio and TV station owners sell their station (s). station equipment for sale. Parasitic choke and plate capacitor for Continental 420 transmitter. All Rights Reserved. 9007 and 8977 Tubes, in good Micro switch assembly. Asking $1000 0bo. Certified ViTaDi VTR with converter and some spare parts for archiving with a ViTaDi system, D2 format videotape reformatted to Digital files, Digital Betacam, Digibeta, Beta-SX and IMX videotape format reformatted to Digital file, Video 8 formats, 8 mm and Hi-8 videotape formats reformatted to Digital files High quality transfer, refoRrmating and transcoding available to most file formats. We're here to help you! FMSA-1 FM Digital Stereo Monitor Surplus Record: Used Machinery, Tools & Equipment Directory Posted 4/28/2022. } You can pick up locally. circuit that provides an adjustable output to almost any meter. Equipment listed is used unless otherwise stated. Works well. It is single phase. BioPharma Manufacturing (92) Dental Equipment and Supplies (7) Laboratory Equipment (931) Medical Equipment and Supplies (262) View All BioPharma; . AudioArts A-50 in good working condition. With 1 Watt of RF power, it can provide a transmitting range between 2 and 10 km (1.5 - 6.5 miles) , allowing it to be used in many applications, including: Special events coverage, festivals, touristic information, religious matter broadcasting stations, community . BStock.TV. Excellent Condition - Special Pricing $19,000.-Great M2 machine ! All Rights Reserved. Phillips, to Make 12 hours 36 min. 1"C format Editor. Geat archiving machine ! After that, Ill be in the Seattle area. References required. Surplus BioPharma. @media (max-width: 767px){ Contact: Randy Williams 850-215-4468 |randy@gsmediafl.com3/25/22. We will accept cash plus any FM processors (Orban, Bw) or low power FM transmitters 250, 500 Watts. Site Restoration. ES Broadcast boasts a long-established reputation for sourcing and supplying high-quality used broadcast equipment at competitive prices. Due to weight buyers responsible to remove from the site. Commission charged to sellers from 5% payable when sold. $9,500.00, Contact: Bruce Campbell (325) 370-8722 | General Radio RF bridge. TriCaster HDSDI with expended large control surface. .page-id-115505 .nectar-post-grid-filters a{ 3,195.00____________________________________________________________________________________, SINE SYSTEMS RFC1BDIAL UP REMOTE CONTROL WITH 8 CHANNEL RELAY PANEL I am needing a new or used 25KW FM Transmitter preferably solid state single or 3 phase tuned to 101.3. AM surplus Transmitters, studio equipment, RF gear Submit resume and inquiries to , which will be confidential. 6th generation of W series. Want ads typically run 60-120 days before auto-deletion. phone (954)871-2002. Fax: 781-871-7412 While we seek someone well versed in all facets of broadcast engineering, your interpersonal and communication skills, as well as your business and personal integrity, are just as important as your technical ability. 3 Dimensional TBC, W series, MII Component Recorder, player NTSC. A three phase step up 240/480 VAC Square D power transformer is included. Input Z= 4 positions (see pdf). Missing the fine matching transformers which are available to purchase new from Shively. Used Broadcast Equipment for sale Bimax Company is a provider of used broadcast equipment for sale of Live broadcasting TV station. Used Semiconductor Equipment Marketplace | Moov Transcom Inovonics INOmini 673 (B-Stock) Act Fast and Save $260! Tower packages. Contact: Hank Landsberg 562-493-3589 |, Two solid state transmitters: 50KW,10KW, F 999 kHz,good condition and not earlier 2006, Contact:Nihad Aljalla00966 508244496 | Potomac 1901 Antenna Monitor in like new condition, Can be configured for up to 12 towers by adding more input modules. It is in great condition, removed from service and put in an air conditioned stored building. to complete the payout process for this membership. Value of a new system this size is $20,000. It must end with 002. Sign up to recieve regular offers, deals and discounts on the latest news and used equipment, 2023 BS Broadcast. Broadcast AV Pty Ltd has been in operation since 1st January 2004 and was formed to give you better pricing and better delivery times for your production hardware requirements. Analog. text-transform: initial; ONLY )$ 499.00Complete Set________________________________________________________________________________________________, CIRCUITWERKES SX-8 EXPANSION CHASSIS 8 CHANNEL DIAL-UP REMOTE CONTROL Contact: Paul Easter 832 523 1186| font-size: 14px; Let me know what you have. Sennheiser microphone Ew100 cordless and AT897 stick. font-size: 20px; } Transmitters and Equipment. column-count: initial; .single-post .contact-list li i{ Sign up to receive updates about our services and products. Local inspection is welcome by appointment. with Caterpillar engine, Semi-sleeper cab over, like New interior, rear lift gate. Brand new $6,000. font-weight: bold; 17-years old and located in MN. obtained in a proper working condition and our specialized engineers check each and every In that time, we have brokered deals for some 25 OB vehicles and SNG vans, with several more currently on our books, facilitating sales that perfectly meet the needs of both the vendor and the purchaser. Browse popular brands & models at great prices. Monitor, Belar Removed to Excellent Condition - Refurbished Tape Cleaner for 1 inch Video A & B Tape Reels up to 3 hours ( modified to 120V). Some spare parts. Solid State Logic (SSL) Matrix (1st Model Edition), asking price $5200, 5.1 ready2. Aphex 320D Compellor with Digital I/O connections. are offering this page, free of charge ACV, DCV, DCKV. ), The Broadcasters' Desktop ResourceCopyright 2021, News | Manufacturers & Vendors | Spotlight | Services | Resources | Buy & Sell | Contact. Belar FMS-2 FM Stereo color: #ffffff; Office Equipment/Supplies for Sale in Arizona | AllSurplus cavity plate. 1991, 35KW FM transmitter service both to the fine broadcasters Contact: Bob Hill 713-498-3381 | Bronze gear, 100 teeth, 12 Diametral Pitch. .single-post .list-box ul { Fujitsu IP-9500 Encoder/Decoder Advanced MPEG-4 AVC Technology, Panasonic AJ-D950 DVCPRO Deck w/ SDI / Fire Wire, Avocent LCD17-001 17 VGA Dual Rail Rack Console, Harris Nexio NX 1000 MGX6001 HD Video Router, MN:1085(ECS17KMM) + CMN:1082(AV3008) + CMN:1005, Leitch RCP-ABA1-XYP Alphanumeric Breakaway. 150/5 amp Ratio / 15kv Test / 95kv Impulse Test, Antennas, Hardline, Waveguide, & Directional Couplers, Hardware, Tools, Prototyping & Construction Aids. Contact: Jim Egloff 5139227049 | It was an excellent transmitter and other than the power supply is in great condition. If you do sell (buy), please let us know, so we can delete the listing. RF Transmission. I understand I will receive email updates about ES Broadcast's products, services, promotions and events. Selling 4-bay antenna for $900 obo. Cox Electronics 1974 state-of-the-art COXBOX IV PAL. 17-years old. Located at ground level. Electronic copies of the R&S installation, commissioning and operational manuals included. Water jugs and Sports Bottles Lot. 5" deep. Contact: Noe Sepulveda (956) 242-0491 | Broadcast Electronics 500C1 (500 watt transmitter) w/ FX50 Exciter circa 2005. .single-post .contact-list{ VAT No. In good levelling processor, AES/Analogue Audio Synchronization Delay Synchronisation, 8 ch., Belar used equipment in working condition:Belar FM Monitor, Model FMM-2, S/N 160627: $600.Belar Stereo Monitor, Model FMS-2, S/N 170603; $600.Belar RF Amplifier, Model RFA-1, S/N 401377; $250.Buy the complete set above for $1,000 plus shipping.Belar SCA Monitor, Model SCM-1, S/N 501551 in working condition ffor $500 plus shipping.

Wests Mayfield Raffles, Articles U

used surplus broadcast equipment