kaiser permanente text bot interview

It sounds like you handled this matter with utmost urgency and great customer care. Most interviewers will interpret a cliche response like that as dodging the question. ", "I make a strong effort to keep a healthy balance by spending my free time away from my cell phone and having more face-to-face time with my friends and family. The patient, staying because of back surgery, was unable to hit the call button. If you have an interview for a job at Kaiser Permanente then this is the video that you need to watch in full to help you prepare great answers that will hel. Browse questions (57) Ask a question. Looking back, had I not stopped to talk so long with the other patient the fall may have been able to be prevented. Your application includes personal information, transcripts, meaningful experiences, essays, letters of recommendation signed on official letterhead, and MCAT scores. To best suit my internal customers in their training, I ensure that I am a subject matter expert in the setting I am providing education. Deadline: October 5, 2022. ", "I'm very interested in clinical research. I gathered pertinent information from the EMR, and discussed the case with the Intensivist and the patient's nurse. As the manager, I knew I could not let this behavior continue. Reiterate to your interviewer that you are aware of the stressors that come with this role. With some great advice from some mentors in my role, I have harnessed that fear into the ability to go above and beyond for my patients to help ensure that I've done my part to create a great health outcome for them. It was several years ago, and it's no longer an issue for me because I've made significant changes in my life to pursue this career. You are made up of three interdependent entities: The Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, with over twelve million customers, the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and the Permanente Medical Groups. Nice! Prior to your interview, put some serious thought into what drives your patient care philosophy internally and sincerely reiterate to your interviewer why you hold this philosophy near and dear to your heart. I can be funny, but my sense of humor is pretty dry, so people don't always know that about me when they first meet me. Well done! That question can start up a great conversation, and you may learn a thing or two as well. As well, talking about any journals you subscribe to or any groups/societies in your field that you belong to can also win over your interviewer. This sounds like a very collaborative workplace. The bonus' cost us less money, in the end than the cost of lowered productivity due to absent employees. ", "Yes, the pharmacist and I are the ones that order prescriptions most of the time. I've spoken with my current manager about it, and we've developed a system where he can call me out on the behavior since often I'm not aware of it. Asked March 3, 2022 application online, phone interview, in-person interview sometimes with group Answered March 3, 2022 Answer See 1 answer Does the customer service call center position require a drug test if so will it be done during on site training? This skill means that, in most projects, I am great at creating a plan of action but am most comfortable passing the final patient-facing tasks to our more extroverted personnel. Under President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal policy, America reached out to help those in dire straits. ", "I am a great problem solver because I know that it is a process that requires me to think rationally and not allow my feelings and judgments from looking at the facts. No matter if you will be working in front-line patient care or back-end support at Kaiser Permanente, communication can be the key to success in the healthcare world. ", "Coming on board to the tight-knit team you have here at Kaiser Permanente, my first goal would be to get to know each and every person on the team and find out what I can do to make their job easier and more efficient. Clear communication is vital to the successful functioning of any team, but it is especially important in a medical environment where the consequences of misunderstandings or misinformation can be life or death. ", "I think my weakness is that I take too much to do. Staying on a deadline is very helpful, and I will delegate when necessary to alleviate some stress. where i concurrently pursued a degree in both nursing and biological sciences. Assure the interviewer that you would treat everyone at Kaiser Permanente with great respect and a positive attitude. These are exactly the steps that an interviewer would be looking for. Dental benefits. I want to offer my strong skills when it comes to building patient rapport and help to improve the satisfaction of everyone that uses the services of Kaiser Permanente. Your ability to adapt to various people, regardless of a positive personality match, shows that you are mature and professional, even when factors are not entirely ideal. I also help the pharmacist with anything they needed from translating to ringing up customers. I also check what's low and order specialty if it's a fast mover. What you describe is a good fit for me, reputable vendors value these skills, and I'd like to represent a company that wants to create long-term sustainable partnerships. I would plan to make a positive impact very quickly by conducting training with staff and implementing a code of conduct within the clinic. I think it's okay to be moved by someone else's experience, but I don't need to make it mine. In my current position, when a patient has a post-procedural pneumothorax that requires a chest tube and a hospital stay, I gently explain what happened, the need for the chest tube, and the hospital stay.". Working in the healthcare services industry at Kaiser Permanente means that you could be in contact with vulnerable people, children, pharmaceutical drugs, drug-related equipment, confidential information, and other areas of sensitivity. Your interviewer would like to hear a story regarding how you were able to take an uncomfortable, or hostile situation, and turn things around into a positive experience. Explore. If possible, try to point out your ability to stay calm in an emotional situation on the job by pointing out a time that you had to in the past with great results.Keep in mind - almost everyone is an emotional creature to some degree, but there are other ways that you can describe yourself that have a more positive connotation. ", "Having spent my career working in healthcare education with large institutions, my customers are the employees that I train and the educational materials vendors that I work with on a daily basis. It seems you would be a wonderful teammate to have around. Kaiser has over 300,000 employees with a large diverse workforce. Discuss with the interviewer what you think you will need to deliver exceptional service in this role. It is not the ideal situation, but I have always adjusted for the good of the team. I also help the pharmacist manager every year when there is inventory and make sure it was done right with nothing missing and control inventory when we come at 9 pm and count all controls.". In a community-type setting, my main goal is to build relationships with my patients to keep them coming back to me for their care. I consider myself to be a strong relationship builder and take pride in my people skills. This illustrates your ability to transform stress into action, successfully turning a negative into a positive, to accomplish your goal. That way, it's easier to transition care, and the patient has all their info in the same place. What is the hiring process for remote jobs at Kaiser Permanente? You can improve your response by assuring the interviewer that you have a flexible salary range, but that you'd like to be compensated appropriately based on your experience and performance record. ", "Yes, I handle all of these administrative tasks in my current role. Interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else where on the site. I'd be curious to hear if your department had any needs in this area. Are there specific Kaiser volunteer opportunities you'd be interested in? Upon using my reflective listening skills to calm them down, I took the extra time required to walk the customer through every line item on their billing statement until they fully understood each item. One for the clinic, one for me, and one for the patient. 35 Kaiser Permanente Interview Questions & Answers Table of Contents Adaptability 1. But her prescription was on troubleshoot, and no one order it. There are many roles to play on a team and this question is asking about the kind of role you tend to take on when you're part of a team. You are showing the interviewer that you are highly capable in either situation. I don't know what the patient could be going through, but showing I care for them and treating them like family will make a difference for them to feel better. Working closely with colleagues and/or patients in the healthcare world will eventually put you in close contact with someone who is very difficult to work with. Currently, I am at a beginner to intermediate level; however, I would be more comfortable at an advanced level. You've answered well by sharing that you face stressful situations head-on. Instead of scheduling, they had these 'drop-in mornings' with a common waiting room. Your role with the organization could potentially put you in front of patients, vendors, or family members of patients, and all are considered customers of the organization. Either way, I always do my best, and I make sure the job is done the way it suppose to be.". I need to be able to give the task or a portion of it to another team member or direct report, let go of the control, and know it will be taken care of. The COVID-19 pandemic presented many opportunities to adapt as the situation evolved. My spouse and I are a foster home for abandoned dogs and we love this aspect of our lives. We do this by creating interview questions that we think you might be asked. I greatly value diversity. Human beings all grow up in different manners and under different philosophies. ", "Patient adherence, the idea of patients, not taking their medications like they are supposed to, and affecting their health, can be stressful. Tell the interviewer what your impact goal is, should you be the successful candidate for the job. After interviewing at Kaiser Permanente, 69% of 2,186 respondents said that they felt really excited to work there. I love my job. leader vs. follower). Any hiring authority should feel comfortable putting you in front of their valued customer base. ", "I will be successful in this role because I'm responsible, hardworking, learn fast, multitasker, and I'm reliable. Once developed, I researched and put out contact to users of the systems and we saw a great response rate to the survey. Discuss the ways that you would build strong and healthy relationships if hired. Now, I make sure that I find that healthy mix of providing friendly care to my patients while being timely on my rounds. I get along well with others and work well as a team.". By consistently rejuvenating in this way, I can give even more energy when I am at work. In looking to hire you at Kaiser Permanente, your interviewer wants to know that you have a methodical approach to problem-solving. In seeking out possible solutions, I also seek feedback and support from others when needed and also plan on how to cope in case of a solution does not go as planned.". At Kaiser Permanente, teamwork truly does make the dream work for the patients and families that rely on the organization to provide world-class care. With most large organizations operating compensation under a pay scale, talk about your willingness to start at the bottom of the pay scale and work your way up if you truly can agree to that. In the early morning hours, I was tending to a patient that was still wide awake and we ended up conversing for some time. ", "As I look back on my career and my life outside of work, my greatest weakness has always been my avoidance of conflict. Make them think we care about them as if they were our family members so that they will come back.". By bringing awareness to it at the moment, I find my propensity to hold onto control has decreased, so I'm certainly moving in the right direction. If hired at Kaiser Permanente, I would prioritize learning the inventory and ordering procedures for this unit upon starting. Share your strengths as a problem solver, and the ability that you would come up with innovative solutions on the job at Kaiser Permanente. Submit as soon as possible so that you will have more time to gather the required supplemental documents. ", "Once I was filling a prescription for 90 days 90 tablets. I take time on the weekends to do things for myself and ensure that I regenerate before the work week begins. ", "To me, it means to have a positive attitude to patients, smile and make them feel comfortable, answer any question they have, or resolve any issues they have. Take a few minutes to tell the interviewer a few things about yourself. Use a specific example and describe how you handled the situation and any lessons that you learned moving forward to prevent it from happening again. While working with patients, the difficulty usually stems from fear of the unknown about their health, I try to be more empathetic and talk to them truthfully about the procedure. If you tend to take the lead, you can let the interviewer know, but avoid sounding overbearing. My documentation is strong, as well. This question is an opportunity for you to discuss community service types of activities that you hold near and dear to your heart and any efforts you have been a part of in your past. I carry around a notebook and write down important facts if I think there is a chance I will forget them. Prior to your interview with Kaiser Permanente, your research into the organization's quality mission and vision will give you great insight into their patient care philosophy. Just some food for thoughthow does this response align with the Kaiser Permanente philosophy? 3. ", Our Professional Interview CoachLauren McCabe Reviewed the Above Answer. My approach is to tune out the negativity and try to figure out why the personality is difficult. Great answer! Last year, we were in a bind and running very short-staffed during a time when our hospital was at full capacity. "Whether I am doing an independent project or working in a team environment, I always give my best. She's fortunate to work from home, and makes about $32/hr w/ no degree. When working with an organization the size of Kaiser Permanente, working as part of a team is a necessity in any position. I have a full understanding that different cultures and beliefs can bring a team to its full potential because no stones are left unturned when new ideas are being thought of. Tell me about yourself. Perhaps you have a keen eye for detail. To my external vendor customers, I speak openly and honestly about our organizational needs and partner with them to create innovative and effective training sessions for our employees. This mindset has consistently allowed me to continue with a productive shift no matter the emotions that come my way and I would be able to bring this same level-headedness to work at Kaiser Permanente. If you can add in a little bit more about your education, that would round out your answer nicely. Prior to your interview, it will be important for you to research the role you are interviewing for and put some thought into how you will be able to deliver the best service to those you will be working closely with. I had to submit my previous procedural logs and take a test. ", "Outside of my career, my priorities in life are my family and being outdoors. ", "I believe I am a great problem solver because I am sure to gather as many facts as possible in any given situation. ", "I work good with minimum supervision, but I also enjoy working with a team. I know what I want to be done and how I want it done, so it's often easier to do it myself. Patient care is a privilege, and I respect the role I have in clinical care and the part other people have. ", "I see myself as a compassionate person; I see more than a sick person picking up their prescription. I recently attended a pediatric trauma course that really opened my eyes to new techniques I could use in our emergency room. To find out what other health systems can learn from KP's experience, the Quarterly recently spoke with Harold "Hal" Wolf III, senior vice president and chief operating officer of the Permanente Federation, the national umbrella organization for the Permanente Medical Groups (the physician component of KP). Employees of the organization must be able to work with a wide variety of people in a wide array of departments. I cope with these emotions by telling myself that it's not my story, it's the patient's story. I believe that building a strong rapport with patients through trust, empathy, and compassion is the key to a successful healthcare organization and I can't wait to bring these qualities to the patients of Kaiser Permanente. In my current organization, I have been picking up extra shifts in family medicine to expand my skills. Furthermore, I consider my coworkers in other departments as part of my customer base because my work can often have an impact on their work. "I have worked with diverse groups of people most of my career, including my time in college. You can consider improving this response by explaining why. Balancing empathy with honesty is key when communicating bad news. Looking back, my initiative to involve others was key in making the new procedure work for the entire organization. I now enjoy learning about different cultures from my co-workers and understanding their points of view on work topics. ", "A patient scheduled for an Intrathecal Chemotherapy injection was delayed several hours. It's best that the person knows the reasons why so that they can learn from the experience. Very nice answer. Do you consider yourself a compassionate person? Second, I want to be the best at what I do. Working in a very stressful and draining job, I also ensure that I take time to refresh and reset myself during long days on the job. What is important to them is that you are cognizant of your own personal shortcomings. Avoid speaking negatively about any patients or colleagues and use a recent example from your current role. If hired onto the team here, my first goal would be to learn and understand the quality measurements that the organization utilizes and study prior work that has been done to improve those measurements. For example - Does your ability to calmly share facts with empathy and answer any follow-up questions help patients relax and adapt to the change in their situation? At the end of the day, many role titles are fluid. How to Answer: Why Do You Want to Work Here? The success of Kaiser Permanente thrives on the accuracy of information and organization in all work that they do. After communicating the issue with my director, we realized that there wasn't an efficient inventory tracking system and supply ordering system in place for our clinic. Contact us here. Not long ago, I received a call on a Friday morning when I was scheduled to be off work and was told that an employee hadn't reported for their shift. Immediately, I logged on to our email system to find out that the employee in question had requested the day off and I had totally missed their communication to me. "I believe I could improve on some technical skills including Excel and Word. I would look forward to working in an organization of this size to better experience an even wider amount of diversity. ", "No problem. New hires were appreciative of learning one on one. I make sure to get to know my patients whenever possible and I provide them with the most compassionate care possible. Interviews at Kaiser Permanente Experience Positive 68% Negative 15% Neutral 17% Getting an Interview Applied online 65% Employee Referral 10% Recruiter 10% Difficulty 2.9 Average Hard Average Easy Interviews for Top Jobs at Kaiser Permanente Registered Nurse (57) Medical Assistant (49) Customer Service Representative (49) Intern (44) Then I organized and effectively communicated this information with my attending. Talk to the interviewer about how you can maintain that appropriate balance for yourself. Throughout Kaiser Permanente's 75-year history, the organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion has helped them in its overall mission. A child dies, a patient yells at you, or you have to give someone a cancer diagnosis. Talk to the interviewer about your preference when it comes to teamwork or working individually and be sure to avoid pigeonholing yourself into one particular scenario (ie: I only like to work by myself). ", "The people on the frontlines of a business are vital to the success of any organization. If you want to make an impact with your answer, research as much as you can on this position with Kaiser Permanente to refer to the immediate needs of the department. ", "I will learn fast all I need to know to better help patients so I can answer their questions and make them feel cared for and improve patient care.". Rather than just sharing how you have gone above and beyond expectations in the past, focus on how your qualities will help you to meet and exceed expectations in this role with Kaiser Permanente. I understand and agree that Kaiser Permanente may verify any and all information that I provide. Rather than the typical documenting and reprimanding style that management usually takes, I decided to track the results of an accountability reward system. It has kaiser questions . "When we were speaking earlier, you mentioned that you were urgently seeking to improve the level of patient care and compassion at this facility. "I dislike working in a negative, low morale environment that is plagued with office politics. The sheer size of Kaiser Permanente makes them a very culturally diverse organization. It's professional to take a few minutes after an encounter like that and let those emotions come and go. I will receive an email with the related information any time there is a major headline about the healthcare industry. ", "I am so glad you pointed out your need for diversity at Kaiser Permanente. Attire. I work good under stressful situations, and I'm good at resolving patients' problems.". ", "Yes, I understand I have to have a clean background, and I'm happy to comply with it.".

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kaiser permanente text bot interview