prophecy of tsunami on east coast

Yes I read something like that as well-that our powers that be placed some kind of bombs under the sea floor near tetonic plates under japan. It seems some could use a basic physics refresher, as well. There is no where to hide but in the Almighty Lord our Savior. Yes fingers crossed and prayers need to be said. By the time the decision is made to alert the public to evacuate is given, then the roads will be completely full of much higher than normal congestion. Ken, thank you for providing a model of could potentially occur. Today we look at new dreams from Corra T. In her dream, California was hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami. The NWS National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) and coastal NWS Weather . I recently had a dream and in it Jesus directing a lot of people to a mountain top. I got out of there after years of being in Kissimmee, and I will NEVER ever go back. Youre wasting time, and life is too short. I had a dream last week that we had an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse). I see the wave rear up far from shore. I saw this enormous dark tidal wave approaching the coast very rapidly and stretching from north to south as far as the eye can see. Also, be aware that there is a lot of conspiracy out there (although some of it is true! Thanks for the blog and maps. La Palma: I Pet Goat 2 and the Third Secret of Fatima Updated 8X - Blogger Im no expert but these maps dont appear reliable for anything except perhaps showing what the coast might look like with catastrophic sea level rise. Yes wondering how far inland it will travel. In my dream it happened at the end of August of this year. Pray and be safe. An underwater volcano in the South Pacific erupted violently on Saturday, causing tsunamis to hit Hawaii, Japan, and Tonga's largest island, Tongatapu -- sending waves flooding into the capital. After collapse, it would pile up the water and push the water inland. Yes! The fact that you are thinking about it is something that most other people do not so youre already one step ahead. All of you people claiming this is going to happen, that is going to happen month after month, year after year, and nothing? Upstate NY would be good but you have to check the elevation. I live in Teaneck, NJ, just outside NYC. Having plenty of bottled drinking water on hand as part of an emergency package, is also recommended. The coming destruction is written about in Isaiah 24. The mere fact of the many hundreds of dreams that people have had, including myself, about an East Coast tsunami is proof enough.But the question remains as to how and when. %PDF-1.4 of past events like that, every 300 years, describes a 200-300 ft tsunami along the coast close to the fault. However, I am older nowthan I am in those dreams..and I do not own a green beach chairand I am not on a balcony overlooking the beach. Your next moment is not guaranteed. That being said I live in New Haven, CT; which according to your model is screwed. Ah Bye Bye? There have been lots of people who have commented on this article who live well inland and have been concerned about impact. I live in central ny at 1255 above sea level. Would I be safe just heading to this spot instead of hopping on a westerly interstate thats most likely packed with other evacuees? I am not an expert on this subject, but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that type of event, event happenstance, energy, sea floor topography, and shoreline/land topography all contribute to this play of how fast it travels, how high the wave height will be once it approaches the shoreline, how far inland it travels, and how many lives will be affected and/or lost. (He is upset about this for good reason.) I was told as a child that when a dream repeats itself is to be taken as a warning and the repetition means that it will come to pass. When I finally made it back fully to my flesh and realized that I was laying on my bed dreaming, I noticed that my entire body was sweating profusely, it felt like if a fountain had burst from within me and there were drops of sweat literally on my entire flesh. Thank you Jesus! Your theory (Ken J.) Jumping into a pool if you are about to hit by a tsunami is about as useful as jumping up into the air right before the elevator you are in smacks into the ground when the cable is cut. Ken do you ever regret having this Tsunami Article? The one possible death in Nova Scotia has been shown to be false and was based on incomplete information. sorry, I think fema camps would follow as well. I am concerned.We wouldnt survive would we? People who stayed, would have no power, water, food or shelter. Its elevation is greater than 300 feet and there is a ridge in this same area that has elevations in the 200f range. While it is a known fact all governments and scientific fields of research have gone a different direction in this field, such as ring proton and neutron, They have floundered with the actual energy we need, I agree that something is up and that something is not going to be nice. The key is to prepare for the unknow. Great question even I would like to know being up in Caribou and Mom down by Bangor, Fort up at your house bye canned goods dry goods . Does anyone have any info on that? or not happen. If its Gods will, I would rather be alive doing Gods work than drowning. Prophetic Warning to Northeast U.S.A. - His Kingdom Prophecy If you are miles inland even the West Coast (Tampa, Sarasota, Napels) is pretty safe (except for hurricanes). Some years back I dreamt of an enourmous earthquake in the early morn causing a violent volcanoe eruption. I have also had several dreams of an earthquake and a tsunami and yes its going to be Mega, So much that I have asked everyone in my household to get save and ensure their soul is right with God. Time will tell. Steven Ward first explained this theory in research from the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, two decades ago. News sites are saying a Tsunami reaching the East Coast due to the Spanish volcano is highly unlikely because experts and government leaders said so. Is Charlotte, NC far enough inland or should I head for higher ground? She saw widespread destruction to the east coast from the New York vantage point. Reston, Gainesville, Manassas, Haymarket. that means, except for man made structures and trees, there is nothing that will keep the wave energy from continuing FORWARD across the State. I leave on Long Islang, Huntington to be specific. Would any parts of neighboring New Jersey, the New England States, or Pennsylvania be survival options. Dont know about how soon but 100 ft wave incoming will travel several miles, unless the rim of rock/soil/ debris blocking it is very high. I had noticed you hadnt commented in weeks but I didnt realize I had overlooked a comment. Verse 12 talks about the citys borders will be laid waste.. after my last dream, I decided to look around for others possibly having dreams.. While you might have a higher chance of acquiring marine life as a food source, salt, temperate weather, almost no freezing issues, on the minus side there are so many as to be innumerable. #bEk87QlF Ggio-XAX;9r#F00]c`e[Z(Yp&Y-bG+hGD`SK Xt 9wY=1$Pe:Dg.7dha%${"K]u>\+X#o_#f(Pe(Bf8q`*Ur'HT @p3>x3hK (:3,i)y4<5vTt#>`BD8r4P|nak`oeur#7 BB\\,h Plus any lake the is affected, had ocean water added to it, will be DEAD. The Bible teaches us that "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let a thing be established". I live on the east coast of Bermuda, do you think it will miss us? Oops, there is a scarcity of plywood because of his green new deal. There was no history of the United States before there was a United States. That means that a 500-foot high Tsunami could traverse 5000 ft of land. An earthquake, depending on the size of its epicenter as well as its depth beneath/within what some refer to as the crust and mantleas deep as ~1600feet (or perhaps deeper) as some suggest or on the surface of the crust. The wave will be so big, as it curls inland the lip will land on Waterbury. A decades-old theory has resurfaced online after a volcanic eruption on a Spanish island that caught the world's attention. A wave, just a normal wave is more than 1 foot thick. You will be where ever you are just my take. East Coast Tsunami - Peter Sansone - 444 Prophecy News Hi Im now here in act in Hartford for a couple weeks. Aimed specifically at your Nat. If you live on the East Coast, then bugging inland would likely take you away from all of your supplies and heavy items like water and would result in terrible chaos and violence. Rather, there are lots of it depends. Ground water in other nearby regions may be foul and make the area unliveable. No packed bags necessary for that trip. Would Lake Hopatcong NJ at 900ft elevation 40 miles inland be safe from a 1000ft tsunami, I would google videos of the Japan tsunami flooding, eye opening, >>COMMENT POLICY>>USE OPEN FORUM for Off-Topic conversation. How about a 300 foot concrete wall? Everyone thinks the tsunami will be 300 feet, If you havent gotten OUT of FL. Diffractive effects of land mass topography, changes caused in the shape of the sea floor by the earthquake, and vertical movement of the sea bed. Tsunamis dont maintain their height. PDF IMPORTANT COMMENTARY Prepare Your Home Refuge For The Coming Mega-Tsunami The direction of the wave, and the landscape will determine the effects more than simple elevation. It has an elevation above 400 feet. Even the river is more than 100 ft above sea level here, and there are land rifts of over 100 ft. between here and the coast which would adsorb a lot of energy. Public Tsunami W/W/A TSUATE WEXX30 . 4 New Dreams, Earthquake & Tsunami 03/02/2023 - End Times Buzz Even if we are saved from much of the impact, the devastation caused in surrounding areas will make the East Coast a house of horrors. God knows we cant trust the mainstream media nor our government! Communications Tests for the East and Gulf Coast in Conjunction . I wish I could help you with your question. (LogOut/ we need to go north and then head west. The Mountains there might stop you?!!! Ill start ready or look into places for now. Prophetic Warning to Northeast U.S.A. January 27, 2016 Prophet Ken Dewey A prophetic warning to New York City, East Coast [New Jersey Coast Line] and Washington, DC areas. HINT: Areas shaded in purple indicate death with near certainty. The WAVE is already looming above you Then, your cell phone sounds an Amber alert to inform you. I ve ministered in the Far East for years.China will greatly experience a great flood. So, since waves are generally slowed down as their lower aspect drags along the ocean bottom, and further braked by trees and buildings, it is far more likely that a 100 ft wave will run out of enough water volume before ever reaching all those house under that 100 ft. I feel good about water and fuel for now but need to do a better job assuring we have food for a couple months if need be, Regarding your question of emergency food, this blog is filled with articles on this topic (and many others). I realize that you asked this 2 yrs ago. I used to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital there and there is very limited road network that is jammed in Normal times. Consider that (even at low elevation) each foot of land that a wave travels across absorbs energy. Heres your answer. I dont understand the dream but Hawaii is Hawaii & at some point it is destroyed. There is river that flows through there that could cause horrible flooding. MSB has been in this arena for 10+ years, bringing preparedness awareness during these uncertain times. I live in the Allegheny Mountains in Pa. God has a plan for His people and He will never abandon them or forsake them. You will not be able to leave with 3 hours notice as 100 million attempt to do the same. Assuming the direction of the tsunami is from across ocean, it would seem that Bahama islands would act at least as a partial barrier protecting the southern portion of Florida. And this is why the existence of a companion is suppressed and its distance falsified as similarly the 33MYr figure is falsified (with the 33 being a clue this is so). If you have the opportunity, please let me know that your assessment would be; were living in Freehold Township New Jersey. This vision is not for those in the first fruits remnant so . This event is going to cause Massive Earth Quakes, Volcano Eruptions, Massive Flooding, Fires, Starvation, Extreme High Winds(75-200mph), etc,, around the World. So youre saying this post is fearmongering bs? Please, keep talking and prove that to be true, as well as ironically proving that you are the mindless person in this comments section! Rather in this quake or in a future event its gone. God bless all of you. Psalms 23- The Lord is my Shepard. take extra fuel with you remember you can always go back after it is over. What are the possibilities of it being much higher. When i have dreams that dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times we are on a good course. So I live in ga riverdale ga like the south side moved here 5 years ago and started having these wave dreams will ga be flooded Im 15 minutes away from downtown Atlanta and 30 minutes away from stone moutain. I would be concerned, but I would also be slightly grateful that you can hide in skyscrapers in Manhattan if disaster occurred. They show how water came in on roads and modern infrastructure. Please look it up on youtube and inform yourselves. I live in central NJ, but you cut NJ off, lol! Are they on yellow alert right now? I have watched a few documentaries on mega-tsunamis, and there are various opinions regarding the height of a Canary Island event reaching the East Coast. The only way to find out about your location is to run actual simulations of various mountain collapse scenarios and see how that sets up the initial conditions, propagate the wave, then model your local geography. There was no history of a horseless carriage until the car was made. My grandmother had recurrent dreams of a giant wave washing over Long Island. Fake news: Canary Islands volcano eruption won't cause East Coast The distance inland depends on the depth (not the height) of the wave, the reason behind it, and the terrain of the land. Otherwise we and our animals perish. In reviewing the comments, 1 thing is SUPER CLEAR, people need to learn how to read a MAP! The potential for an East Coast tsunami has come under greater scrutiny after a 2012 earthquake swarm that occurred offshore about 280 kilometers (170 miles) east of Boston. TSUNAMI EAST COAST PROPHECY AND PRAYER. -Share- URGENT WARNING FROM GOD: East Coast Tsunami, ISIS, Barack Obama NONE, let me repeat thatin all caps NONE of FLORIDA will be safe. The consequences of such an event are nearly unimaginable. The maps are actually highly accurate insofar as what they areelevation maps. Were in UK and wondering how we can prepare. Wouldnt it be better to sit down and strategically look at that kind of data and pray about it as a couple, then to ask strangers to intervene to determine who is right and who is wrong? Water,cern,harp whats next do we really have a chance. Think about all those Bank accounts on the east coast for the takingthey are not going to warn you! Its a wall of water. Id like more data on how these maps were made. I know crowds would be a problem. Would it travel that far ? Nostradamus prophecies suggest Europe will suffer greatly before WWIII ends in 2028. Tsunami advisory issued for American Samoa after another - ABC News The rapture could come at any moment! As such, many folks may be trapped in traffic. Its one of those natural disasters that are quite unlikely at any given moment. I began having dreams in 2004 when I moved to the east coast. 200 Foot WAVES off EAST COAST Activate TSUNAMI BUOY! I am not an expert but a simple research shows that a wave would come in via the Bristol Channel up to Bristol. Yes, I believe we are but there will be no rapture on September 23 and when the SHTF is anybodys guess. Plus, Jesus loves me. Hello, this is fascinatingas we are on cape cod, I looked at the map with great interestit seems that there are some areas on cape cod, on the 75 and 150 guages, that have some heightin the areas around the bridges to the Massachusetts mainland, and it also seemed that there were some areas on the actual beach that faces the ocean side, as opposed to the Boston bay side that were not purple, indcating that they may have some heightor am I reading it incorrectly? Julie Green: A TSUNAMI OF TRUTH IS COMING - PAL Bulletin Wormword (in the book of Revelation) is to hit the west coast, Yes it is prophetic- and something like a burning mountain fell into the sea and 1/3 of the ships were destroyed read revelation, especially the Second Trumpet. In Japan it was mere minutes before it hit. Thanks, Ive heard the same thing but was hoping maybe it would not come this far inland. I am no expert but I do use common sense when researching . There are a few of these Vision books with slight damages - a slight ding to the cover or edge, or a creased page, being offered at a fraction of the . Just as likely to be hit by something major, I could put one together for a future post. NOTE: An evacuation plan should include:Road Atlas Map For Each State, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York Coastal Elevation Map, Chesapeake Bay & North Carolina Coastal Elevation Map, North and South Carolina Coastal Elevation Map. Only about 12 people know this Earthquake is coming and six of them work here. I sense strongly in my spirit. This happens and the entire state is history. I am concerned about the predicted asteroid hit by Ephraim Rodriquez, I think I am in a very safe area above Farmington Maine, but how far inland would a much larger tsunami than 300 ft travel. Throughout all of time things could happen, thats always been the case. what about a 100 tsunami, I live 1 mile inland at 43 elevation in coastal N. C. My uneducated guess is that you are royally screwed. Pets will also alert their owners by becoming increasingly distressed and panicked; they just know. Out of curiosity, do your models of Florida include the breakwater effect that the Bahamas will have on any tsunami? Well written too! Julie Green once again tells us the message that she is being told to tell us and to additionally continue to keep faith. Looking for a reply to my e-mail You should check how far above sea level you are to know if you are safe. Has anybody heard of a strong earth quake that is suppose to happen between April 15 to the19 of 2014???? By my estimates (I wrote a very long article about this once), at best if your gas tank was 3/4 full (since one cannot always top off a fuel tank), and if there was enormous traffic, and your credit cards/atm cards are not working, and gas station owners are worried themselves about evacuating (so hence no honest possibility of refueling), then one can probably only travel 100-150 miles AT MOST. At least wed have somewhat of a chance. I live about Fremont, N.H., about 15 miles inland as the crow flies. Voting actually matters. Likewise, the smaller the epicenter, the higher the frequency tends to be, however, you have to factor both of these variables in simultaneously to get an accurate idea of the wave frequency, amplitude, and total duration. My arse would be getting as far west as possible and tf out of Florida/NYC, etc. The time is now to prepare for these things that are coming upon the Earth. Steve keep your eyes to the sky if the government does not tell you watch the sea birds when they move inland in very large numbers then move inland also. Cumbre Vieja, erupts on La Palma and will create a mega tsunami Such a landslide from a future eruption could travel up to 60 kilometres (37 miles) from La Palmas coast, causing the formation and then collapse of a dome of water 900 metres (3,000ft) high so now what do you think a wave 3000ft high will do? It was a horrible vision, horrible to no end to this day, I refuse to go near the ocean for fear of the dream. is that 10 feet under water? What Would Happen If A Giant Tsunami Hit Florida? - The Truth Oh, well. So disappointed! He does now, thank goodness. I pray who ever reads this, it is not too late for you to pray to God to come into your heart today! Lots of activity happening in that area lately . A street in Maryland disappeared today with many cars over a railroad track. Atlantic storms are 5-6 miles high. Thanks and god bless. As the author points out, these are not inundation charts, these are altitude charts. 2 hour warning to evacuate to where? I have family there and given the panic that will unfold once the warnings get out I dont think I will be getting much further than that. Duhh. IF the ground underneath remains stable. Dont you dare say GLOBAL WARMING. ITS BS! Tsunamis are serious business. Been thinking of moving further inland but not sure as to where yet. I dug up every comment he has made on this via Google. @WalkByFaith research the 1958 Lituya bay Mega tsunami. Would it make any difference that the St. Johns River flows North? Not enough time to evacuate. A filter that can make pool or pond water drinkable is #1 on the list, as is a tank of fuel! I just bought a RV because I kept feeling like I NEEDED to be mobile. No one is saying anything about houston texas. Wtf would be the odds im in johnston ri looking at this in 2021 bc it really is a potential threat right now. If I decide to stay and die while watching it come from ..downtown Miami roof, where would be my best vantage point? East Coast Wave I disagree. We will stay and leave the highways and byways for those younger than us to have a chance to escape. Say this dose happen are they even going to tell us ? I am approx. GREAT FLA WILL BE HIT FROM BOTH SIDES BECAUSE THE WATERS HAVE TO RETURN BACK TO THE OCEAN. So I live in one of the many Great Lake states, how much tatsumi flood water can I expect? The 2nd dream is of the accompanying tsunami which heads northerly along the eastern sea board and reaching far inland killing millions. But we also need to be walking with Him daily so that when these things occur, we do not have to play catch up. Make sure you and loved ones and friends are right with God now. Please call on the name of Jesus, as Lord and personal savior. God bless. (f$/}9V"x I agree it (asteroid hit tsunami) will happen at some point in time again but its not going to be on September 24 because some guy in Puerto Rico had a dream about it. Great move August Ark! The only safe place will be the place where the Father tells you to go. What would be the timeline for the recession of the water at the levels shown in the maps? The tsunami that we are all waiting to occur will submerge Florida state. I found on YouTube there are many, many having dreams.. they describe a massive earthquake on the west coast, the whole state of California breaking off into the ocean.. and the world as we know it will change in one hour.. for those who are left, life is going to get very hard very fast.. and dangerous.. we who believe in Gods word believe there will be a rapture of the church, the bride of Christ. When the Indonesian volcano of Krakatoa blew itself apart in 1883, it generated a wave that killed 36,000 inhabitants of Java and Sumatra. I know my position and that no prophecy given to me is for my private interpretation but for the body, and so being obedient, although many others have posted about this judgment which is to occur, I must post it. Praying that other folks are doing this too. I live in Maine also. However, i have an aunt who lives in Watertown, MA near Boston. Im seriously considering a move to maine, and though I love many spots along the coast, my hubs and I are both sincerely concerned about a tsunami, thus my question to you is, would it be safe to say, anything in Maine, to the left of 95 would be good? Fact check: Tsunami reaching East Coast due to Spanish volcano highly We live in palm bayFlorida and we live off of us1 and the river is right across the street. Im about 4 hours from Charleston??????????? It has also grown larger due to Volcanoes eruptions forcing upward growth and widening areas potential land mass falling at record speeds hitting Ocean all the way down to floor. Thank you kindly. In times such as these (2020 to present) Gods presence is the one constant. Im not saying were safe. I yelled I cant save you! I, too have been having dreams. The mountains in Appalachia are no longer a jumble of rocks, but have been worn down over time and covered with forests and glens. @Sarah where did you see evidence of such event to be happening? 17 miles from the SC border. Is it possible that what you are seeing & hearing is not natural, but spiritual? When our time comes the faithful will look forward to dancing at the feet of Jesus as my Mother used to say. (research by Steven N. Ward). The land in many places will be scoured clean, without a trace, and in some areas no land will even remain. Also, do choose a stable, strong building, like the one world trade in Manhattan. Hopefully we never experience this. Anyone that doesnt believe in God will believe in God after this event because God told Efrain to warn the people of this event soon to come .Get your lives right with the Lord. People have no idea when that is going to happen, except probably not in the next few weeks, how large, and in what direction the tsunami will be oriented. The videos of the Japanese tsunami are much more frightening..than my dreams. Do you have any further depictions of the northern 4/5ths of Maine? Is acidic rain possible? Say a 600 to 1000 foot one? God Bless. Yee -Ha ! Even if Im at the beach were I work as a ranger, I could walk to a place 300 above sea level in 5 hrs. One of those is the East Coast Tsunami, which may be getting close. Listen up people! Civil war would also be possible. The earthquake alone will devistate everything from I-5 west. Those who wish to survive may want to change the direction theyre going and where they plan to escape to. As such, anyone attempting to get away would likely head West and South entirely dependent upon the season in which a collapse occurred. Thanks for your insights. Either we are gone or have beach front property. THERE IS GOING TO BE A 1000 FOOT WAVE AS THE RESULT OF AN EARTHQUAKE OFF THE COAST OF PUERTO RICO. People are saying that this will happen on Sept 23, 2015. It is their mutual orbit that causes them to cross a plane every 12k in a 24k orbit (into an oppositely polarised field), that corresponds with Earths cataclysmic cycle. Knowing that the Canary Island mega-tsunami scenarios is a real threat (nor if, but when it occurs), and for those who live within the tsunami levels on the map, how long would it take for the water to recede. Im worried about this with all thats happening with the La Palma volcano. Land penetration would rely on all such factor, plus the grade of incline/slope of land, altitude of land, surface material and obstructions, detours, etc. Dont be late because no one knows what tomorrow will bring?

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prophecy of tsunami on east coast